I Want To Kill Myself: Why Injuries Suck for Fans

It can happen anytime; a loved one is doing what they normally do on a given day. Then out of nowhere, they crumble to the floor and don't get up on their own. No, this is not the beginning of a Life Alert commercial, but of a fan's worst nightmare.

My favorite player tore his ACL yesterday, and the diagnosis was made today. Non-fans of basketball, or any sport for that matter, might look at my reaction to this and ask "Why are you so emotional over another person's injury? They don't even know you." But it's bigger than that.

During the season, they are practically another family member. For more dedicated fans of the sport, we let the team in to our lives at least 82 times a year. We know their tricks, how they move, and every other detail of their game. Shit, we even know about their personal life, their kids, wife, even the details of their penis. -coughcoughDraymond-

Its tough to watch when your favorite player struggles on the court, but you know that they can and will work to improve their game. But injuries are a different level of toughness to watch, because there is nothing the player can do on his own to fix it, they're helpless to their body's malfunction. 

When you get to know a player's personal life, and where they came from, it hurts more when they get injured. In Jabari's case, he suffered the same exact injury 2 years prior, and came back stronger and more explosive than ever. The comeback story was derailed, and we were all on the ride for it.

All hope is not lost though when it comes to injuries. Leagues worth billions of dollars can afford to have the best doctors and surgeons in the world work on their players. Top level rehabilitators and personal trainers will help them get back as healthy as they possibly can. And all their friends, family, and loved ones will be there support them in every way possible.

Injuries suck and will always suck, but they are unfortunately part of the game. But the players know that they're in good hands and will be doing all that they can to get back to their old selves.


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